Thursday, July 14, 2011


Photo courtesy of Hastens
You may have heard the expression, "be here now" before. It is a Buddhist zen approach to living in the moment, and experiencing it to the fullest. I first heard the expression while on a month long hiking trip in the Alaska wilderness on NOLS, carrying a 40 pound backpack climbing sheer vertical drops. It helped me to appreciate the beauty around me, and not think about the blisters on my feet and what the heck I was doing there. The same goes for sitting on this fantastic hammock from luxury mattress maker Hastens. It is a place to escape to be here now.
Or, at the very least, zen out.


  1. NOLS! I am soo impressed... i did outward bound in maine and it nearly killed me. i am sooooo not an OB type person. guess my parents thought it would un-citify me! didn't work.

  2. I just like you more and more: Great design sense and a love of Alaska!!! My husband and I have done three trips, all with backpacking!Antique dealer by day, Alaskan Wildwoman at heart!

  3. Great post! Check out @hastensglobal on Twitter or to learn about how you can win one of these. Competition opens tomorrow!
