Wednesday, August 31, 2011


When creative stationery brands and designers I love got together to make sending emails stylish and personal, I took notice. MeebleMail takes the designs you know and love and makes them inbox ready. Jack and Lulu, Trina Turk, Kara Ross, Thomas Paul, LA Plates, Hammocks and High Tea have created the borders of personalized e-stationery. For $4.99 per design, you can send endless invites, work emails and friendly missives from email to email for a year. With over 600 designs to choose from, it is hard to decide which one to choose. Add an address, motif, initials and you are good to go. It is like taking your favorite paper stationery and scanning it into your email and writing on it, without the bother.

Acapulco from Dabney Lee

Ikat in turquoise by La Plates

Flowering Field by Trina Turk

Golf Gals by R. Nichols

Gray Shagreen by Celerie Kemble

Guava Filigree by Susy Jack

Anchor by Linda & Harriett

Orange Herringbone from Thomas Paul

Provence Rose by Nandini

Mod Lattice in red by Boatman Geller

Jack and Lulu's Lattice in navy


  1. Fantastic News Marissa! I can't wait to have this feature added to my email program. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, this is pretty!

    Do you know if it makes e-mails all wonky like standard e-mail stationaries? I really don't like receiving messages with backgrounds because they load funny and slow.

    I wonder if these are different... hope so!
