Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Grenville's work was included in Celerie Kemble's 2011 Kip's Bay Showhouse room. The colorful piece was placed over the fireplace creating a central focus for the art to be seen.

The arrival of spring in NYC brings tulips to Park Avenue, blossoms on branches that moments ago were bare, and a myriad of  introductions-- be it gallery openings, new fabric collections, and product debuts. Season-specific color palettes will tempt everyone with the allure of re-doing a room or two, and with that comes the pull of what to hang on the walls. The British artist Hugo Grenville will help ease you into a new palette with his color-filled canvases flecked with swaths of gold.  A series of new paintings have just arrived at the Wally Findlay Gallery at 124 East 57th Street as part of his new show, Harmonia. As a self-described colorist and romantic painter, influenced by the color and sensibility of Henri Matisse and his young post-impressionist contemporaries, Grenville captures a similar joyful spirit and pattern play. Women lounge in pretty pattern-filled interiors and flowers are never far from reach. If you get the chance to visit the show, your mood will brighten in an instant, regardless of the kind of day you are having.  If you are shopping in the neighborhood, stop in for an uplift.

La Reve

Studio Interior, Morning Light, Girl Reading

Summertime: Studio Interior with Jug of Flowers

A Winter Promise

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